This is to announce that a workshop geared to graduate students aiming to participate in the First Aegis Euroconference in African Studies (London, June 2005) will be held at
Cortona, Tuscany, Italy on 15-19 September 2004.
The workshop is organised by Aegis-Naples within the “African Studies in Europe” Interlink Project which is financed by the Italian Ministry of Education and the “Orientale” University of Naples. The aim of the workshop is: a) to gather graduate students and senior researchers for an exchange of field and writing experience; b) to present drafts of papers in view of the 2005 Aegis Euroconference of June 2005; c) to discuss graduate and Ph.D. exchanges within Aegis and how to further them into a larger European network.
The basic guidelines for the preparatory conference are the following:
The workshop is open to 20 graduate students, recent Ph.D. holders and 5 senior researchers coming from Aegis Centres and Italian Universities associated to the Interlink Project.* Applicants are asked to send 250-word abstracts of papers they will submit to one of the Euroconference panels in History, Anthropology, Politics, Gender and Development. Applications will be selected by the organising Centre in agreement with the ad hoc Aegis Working Committee for graduate exchanges. The deadline for submitting proposals is 25 May 2004. Participants will be informed of acceptance by 15 June 2004.
Participants are expected to register in the afternoon of Wednesday 15 September. Working sessions will be held from Thursday 16 through Sunday 19, 2004 with possible extension to Monday morning. Students and senior researchers are expected to present papers on their research topics. The emphasis will be on field methodology, research writing and presentation of research results; one day will be dedicated to graduate and Ph.D. exchanges within Aegis and proposals for joint collaboration within the Centres.
The Interlink project will provide food and lodging in Cortona and travel money within Italy. It will also support graduate student participation to the London Euroconference of June 2005.
For more details, write to:
(for information on workshop) (for information on logistics and Cortona)
Antonio Pezzano cortonasviluppo (Ms Rita Santiccioli)
Applications are to be sent to one of the following (with copies to the others):
Alessandro Triulzi
Cristina Ercolessi
Ulf Engel
* Bordeaux, Bruxelles, Copenhagen, Leiden, Leipzig, Lisboa, London-Soas, Bologna, Naples, Pavia, Siena, Turin. External applicants have to register through one of the Aegis Centres.